Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I love questionnaire thingies.  Back in the days of Myspace, that was my favorite thing to do on the Bulletin Board.  I think it's cause I like talking about myself and I've always wanted to be interviewed for something, ANYTHING.  And this is as close as I can get.  I found these questions over at ... that's what it's really called.  Kendra did 11 questions and I did 7 just because there were a few questions that I was just too lazy to answer.

When was the last time you cried? Why?
I think it was approximately two weeks ago and it was because I was SO MAD that they cut the ESL tutorial class at the school that I used to work at.  I don't know if I was extra hormonal that day or something, but I was FREAKING OUT.  I bitched about it for like half an hour to Cangrejo in the car and then when he said "Why is is such a big deal?" I burst out in tears.  And then later, I cried again when I was telling my mom about it.  I'm still kind of irritated about it because it's making me question my whole future career.  I know that no matter where you work, you're going to encounter a moron or two, but I don't think I should go into education anymore, because I cannot handle being SURROUNDED by idiots.

What celebrity do people say you look most like?
Um.....really?  None.  I take that back.  This lady always tells me that I remind her of Bette Midler.  Which I am not that proud of.  I don't know if she says it because she thinks I look like her or if it has something to do with personality.  Either way, I'm either manly or obnoxious.  What do you guys think?

Ugh.  Maybe she's right, that's kind of scary.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Um.  How about shoving a giant baby out of myself and then raising her to be pretty freaking awesome after 1-trying to break up with a psycho crack head 2-finding out I was pregnant with crack head's baby while he sat in jail awaiting deportation 3-Dropping out of my first semester of college and wasting the only money I had set aside for school 4-deciding that I actually wanted to be with said loser and spending over $200 on phone cards to call Mexico only to have my heart broken over and over and over again by the same person and 5-just being a crazy emotional pregnant wreck, basically all by myself while being judged by friends and family for getting knocked up, not by a crack head, but *GASP* before I was married!  Sad thing?  I didn't exaggerate any of that.  (I'm not trying to get a pity party or anything, I did kind of bring it on myself.  But that didn't make it suck any less.)

Morning Person? Or Night Owl?
Definitely a night owl.  Which is why I work a 5pm to 5am shift instead of having to wake up at 4 o clock in the morning for the day shift.  It's also the reason that whenever Cangrejo wakes me up he has Isabel with him as protection.

A skill you'd love to learn
I'd really be up for learning just about anything.  I LOVE learning new stuff.  However, I would like to learn how to do some more advanced sewing stuff.  I can do basic things, but I wish I could do more.  Also I wish I had the patience to bake.

What is your worst habit?
Probably eating.  Seriously.  I'm an emotional eater.  Whenever I have a high or low of any sort I feel like I HAVE to eat something.  And not anything healthy, it has to be something yummy.  Like half a bag of chocolate chips.  For real though, it's really hard to control myself especially if I'm mad.

If you could live anywhere in the world besides your current location, where would that be?
Ohhhh man.  That's a tough one.  Seriously though, one day I WILL have a house in El Salvador.  On the beach.  The house where Cangrejo's grandparent's live is technically his.  They've willed it to him so when they're gone it's ours.  The location is scary.  It's getting pretty dangerous where they live right now with gangs fighting over territory, but it's where Cangrejo lived for his whole life.  Things could be better by the time we're responsible for that house though.  People down there can really hang on for a looonnnggggg time.  His great grandma is like 96 years old and blind but from what I hear she's still really active.  Anyways, I want to have a beach house in El Salvador.....or Mexico, but I don't think Cangrejo will really go with that one.

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