Thursday, February 23, 2012


Holy shit, people, what happened to February?  I guess I've been kind of on cruise control all month with all the crap going on.  Husband is back from California THANK GOODNESS.  He stayed long enough to get his first paycheck and then came home.  The extra money would have been good if he would have stayed, but once again, his brother was being.....himself.....and that's a problem.  I have to say though, it's good to have him back.  Now that I'm taking my credit bearing courses and cramming a 40 hour workweek into 3 nights, he's being Mr. Mom.  He would rather be working, but that's not an option right now.  Thankfully, when we get our taxes (which should be ANY DAY NOW) things are gonna be a-changin.  Yay :) more to come, hopefully sooner, rather than later.

Peace out.